Substance Abuse Class | All New Classes Starting! Feb 18th 6:00 – 7:30 PM. Victims of physical abuse, verbal abuse, children of alcoholic parents or drug addicts are left with scars that increase the likelihood of substance abuse. Environment also plays a critical role in the development of all of our lives. Living through poverty, racism, or divorce can inflict trauma which left untreated can create brokeness that results in substance abuse.
Tradgey and loss effects all of our lives at times we will all loose a mom or dad or even a husband or wife or even worse a child. This type of loss can leave a vacuum in our lives that many that many try to fill with substance abuse. Hope and faith are tools that can heal the pain of tradgey and loss. There is always hope drug addiction can be overcome!
Pasco Counseling & Visitation is interested in offering you cutting edge services by using tools, teaching materials, positive interaction, and support to overcome substance abuse Whether it’s alcohol, conduct, drugs, or even an eating disorder, our mental health counselors provide relevant support and guidance to finally get off of this destructive path and onto everything that you were truly set out to do and be! For more info please feel free to contact us at (727)282-4409. Address 6825 Trouble Creek Rd New Port Richey, FL 34653 Pasco Counseling and Visitation Center is located on the campus of Calvary Chapel Worship Center. Classes Start Monday February 18th at 6:PM. Register Here
Tags: addiction, alcohol addiction, drug abuse, hudson, new port richey, opoid addiction, pasco county, port richey, Recovery, substance-abuse, trinity florida